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Right on the heels of this year's SAGE event and major E02/MMTT updates is another minor E02 update, release 10.08.20 9-02-09:
New versions of E02, Project Mettrix, and Triple Threat were released during the
recent SAGE event. If you haven't already visited their booth page to read about and download them, download links
can be found there, or on their respective pages. The most meaningful updates are E02's new builds for x86 Linux, Intel and PowerPC MacOS, Nintendo Wii, and Sony Playstation Portable (all in addition to existing Windows/DOS builds),
E02's fully reconstructed and updated documentation, other new features for E02, and the addition of a prototype version of Project Mettrix's "Bronze Lake Zone" level.
We are also aware that there have already been a high volume of complaints about the music and boss used for Bronze Lake Zone in the current demo- perhaps noone has noticed that the words "prototype" and "incomplete" were clearly used in the level's
in-game description, which is displayed when the level is selected for play... 8-17-08:
OC v3.0 is launched! Some sections aren't complete yet, but the E02, Project Mettrix, and Triple Threat
are all ready just in time for SAGE 2008. E02 has received some significant fixes and
additions for release 7 (release 6 was made at SAGE in 2006), and now has it's own section to emphasize that it's a useable game development system. Project Mettrix has been updated with more Sonic gameplay elements, a reproduction of Shining Island
from the E01 version, a reproduction of Green Hill from Sonic 1, and a nifty selection interface. Triple Threat has also recieved
some tweaks, including the beginnings of it's title and character select screens. All current projects are still under development
7-25-05: Todays' update features Release 5 of the
scriptable, multi-purpose game engine,
as shown at the last SAGE event. This
release features MANY new commands, enabling the scripting of players and
game objects! Also included is a new Sonic the Hedgehog example level,
which makes use of several of the new script commands within the Sonic
player character, level enemies, and even the Sonic 3 shields, as well as
a new, slightly incomplete Title Screen and Intro sequence for the game
"Sonic the Hedgehog: Project Mettrix". It is, however, not a very good
example of just how many things can be built with E02. Many different
types of games with many different types of objects can already be made
with the current available scripting features, so take some time to read
the various editing documentations, and be creative! 4-5-04
Only a short time after SAGE 8 has ended, E02 recieves another update!
This update re-introduces the launcher and all of the editors from E01,
as well as FULL documentation on everything that can be done with it
currently. If you've been interested in creating your own games with E02
and want to get a jump-start, now is the time. It isn't ready to do
anything downright fantastic just yet, but there are plenty of things you
can set up in the mean-time. At the very least, you'll probably need this
extra time to learn the current features, there's alot to read! 3-14-04
Well, SAGE 8 is officially open, and
you can get the newest info on Mettrix and E02 over at our
Booth. More bugfixes, (Demo 4.1 patch has been updated since it's
original upload), the return of unfinished content, a new test engine, and
another new upload as well. Feedback
is appreciated! 12-18-03:
Today's update brings the return of our
MessageBoard, now
on this server with old threads in-tact. It is, however, missing its
custom images, but the defaults will do. 11-1-03:
This is less of an "Update" than a cleanup. The second of this site's two
mirrors is unable to host it as of a couple of weeks ago, which means that
this is once again the only place it stands. This also means that the
Messageboard has once again disappeared until I can set it up again,
unless I decide it's not worth it. 9-9-03:
For this update, the Organized Chaos site acts as it's own "omni-booth"
for this summer's 2003 "SAGE" event.
There are TWO "major" updates today, as this marks the release of
upgrades to both our Sonic the Hedgehog "fangame"
Project Mettrix, and our Sonic the Hedgehog ROM editor
Please visit their respective pages for more details for first-time
visitors, and download links to all relevant material. 3-14-03: Today's
update, Project Mettrix's newest release has been noted in it's own
section. It wasn't a "full release" as I intended, it was just taking too
long to get everything I wanted finished. So, it's just a public release
of the newest test-run. It's also a "lite" version because at this time,
I don't have time to upload much at once. For this reason, the mirrors
probably won't be in-synch either. 3-11-03 We're
back! Were we missed? 8-12-02: Today's
update is probably one of the most unexpected yet. Are you ready? Don't
have a heart-attack, now. 6-2-02: A
much overdue update has finally arrived. It's probably not all that was
expected, but here's a quick rundown of what's new: 3-5-02: Yet
another update to SonED springs forth! Several new features have been
added in this release, including a couple of bugfixes. The Tile editor
from the DOS version now makes it's appearance with some added features,
and the Sonic 2 "Beta" ROM is now supported For more info , please see
this messageboard thread. 2-18-02: Today
is another update to SonED. Unless you've been visiting certain
messageboards, this is sort of an unexpected one, but I hope it suits your
tastes. The primary update is the fact that SonED now supports "Object
Listings", which greatly improve the object editor in that descriptions
and even images can now be easily added. For more info on this feature,
please see
this messageboard thread. The other features include the newly-added
ability to edit Casino Night Zone's triangle bumpers (they are not
objects, nor tile properties), the ability to load and save any of the 4
Genesis ROM formats, and the fact that SonED now corrects the header
information when saving the ROM (checksum and ROM size). Check it out on
the SonED page. 1-16-02: Another
minor update for today, but at least it's better than nothing :P First,
the thing you're probably least interested in, is our new emmy award!
This makes our second set of awards, and the second time we've even been
nominated. We've won first place for Best Sonic Hacking Utility, and
second place for Best "Advanced" Sonic Fangame. I might as well have out
with it right now, I believe the only reason we've gotten second place
this year is because of the same rampant cheating that overran last years
voting, as we actually WON last year, have made SIGNIFICANT progress since
then, the competition had not moved an INCH in that entire time before the
voting had run it's course, and the votes seemed to take hop, skips, and
jumps in keeping their count to a level of assured victory. Although I
wish there were a more secure voting method, what we've won is what we've
won, and I know those of you who aren't all hype junkies appreciate what
we do. We also appreciate you for that. 1-7-02: A
small update today, but for some, probably a good one. It's been a
problem since the first release of StealthPatch, my Windows programs, for
some reason, didn't work in Windows XP, and sometimes ME, 2K, and even 98.
Now, I've figured out the problem, and have remedied it. Both
and SonED for
Windows seem to work fine in all versions of Windows from 98 up (as
long as you have DirectX 7 for SonED :P). I apologize for any
inconvinience the bug may have caused anyone, and hope you enjoy using the
new, bug-free versions. 12-25-01: Santa
Stealth brings you an update! First, however, the bad news.
Unfortunately, the workers for Chaos Adventures fell out of the game,
they can no longer bring themselves to do the work. Without them, the
project is nothing, as one was the founder of the entire project. The
Chaos Adventures section will remain as a monument to vain persistance,
however, the comic will never be continued. 11-3-01: Here
comes another update! Today I release sort of an upgrade to Demo 3 which
I've dubbed Demo 3.1. I've uploaded a separate zip with ONLY the necesary
files, so it's less than 1MB (These updates are not included in the main
zip, you will need to get the upgrade as well). This demo includes
bugfixes and a couple of extras (which can be viewed within the
ReadMe File, along with a few new utilities for the main focus of this
update, level editing. This main ReadMe file has been completely
rewritten, and the
Level Editor ReadMe has been heavily ammended to explain the additions
in that area since Demo 3 came along. 9-9-01: Well,
I was finally able to do it, Demo 3 of Mettrix is ready! Although it's
not entirely what I hoped it'd be (I had to rush it near the end to meet
SAGE's opening date, but I can't
blame it all on that), I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you
compare it to Demo 2. The two Readme files were also part of the rush,
but they should be sufficient for now. For a little more information, you
should check out our
SAGE Booth.
At this point I'm undecided over whether there will be a Demo 4 or not,
I'll just have to see if there's enough left for another demo before the
final release. Be sure to leave us some feedback on the
messageboard too! 7-27-01: Today
is another update! This one is also for SonED! Bet you didn't see that
coming, did you? Anyway, not only does SonED save level layout directly
into the ROM for all of it's supported games as of the last version, but
now you can also alter tile art and mappings within the Sonic 2 ROM as
well! This gives a much greater level of versatility to the editing of
the levels, meaning that you can practically have them look any way you
want! Curently, SonED is still split into two program files. The next
update should bring a switch that you can toggle to tell SonED where you
want the data to be altered, which means it's back down to one single
program file. I will also hopefully eliminate the need to load a
save-state when editing Sonic 2, as the only reason you need one now is to
select the level you want to edit, which I will be working on an extended
menu for. Also, another new feature to SonED, exclusive to registered
users, is the ability to create PCX image files containing level layout
maps of the currently loaded level. You may now create maps of the
original levels for reference, or of your own levels to help those who get
stuck, or just as another way to show off your work. 7-18-01: Bah,
I don't like going such a long time without an update, so today, I'll make
one. I know it's been a bit since I've updated SonED (not to mention
Mettrix, but that's another case entirely..), but today, I've got a new
version ready. If you've read my messageboard, I'm concidering using a
higher resolution, but I haven't gotten around to that yet, so this one
still uses the same 320x200 res. However, this version is special, in
that in that you can now view/store level layout data in the ROM! That's
right, SonED has the ability to edit level layout inSonic 1, Sonic 2, and
Sonic 3 and knuckles! Not only that, but I've added support for editing
the player start positions, AND I've made the program automatically
disable the checksum in Sonic 1 so edited ROMs won't crash on startup. I
even updated Funky Hill (the example level) to be a full ROM patch rather
than a combination ROM/Save-State. One thing about this update, however,
is that I haven't yet implemented a way to select whether you want to edit
the Save-State or the ROM, so, I have included two SonED programs. SonED.exe
is version .14B, which edits Save-States, and SonED2.exe is the new
version .16B, which edits ROMs. If you haven't already, go give em a test
run! 5-22-01: Today
marks the arrival of a new section, which is dedicated to our new
web-comic: "Sonic
the Hedgehog: Chaos Adventures"! No official, finalized work has been
done for the comic, but while we are pulling ourselves out of the planning
stage, you can view some of our previous work to get an idea of what we'll
be doing. 5-16-01 It
appears this update took a little longer than I thought.. Today I've
added to the Sonic: Project Mettrix section again. This update includes
images of three more levels, and two new MiDis, as well as two song
changes. I've also added a new page to this section, which will include
user-made levels. If you haven't noticed (and many people may not have),
I have included the level editor within the zip for the game. If you are
interested in creating your own levels (Please, I'd like to see some!),
you should read the ReadMeLE.txt file to learn how. Currently, there is
only one unfinished level here, but I hope it'll encourage you guys to try
making some of your own! I hope this will hold everyone over untill Demo
3 is released. This will be the final demo, so you may now have some idea
of the work we have to put into it, as we hope for it to be representative
of the final game. The full game will certainly not be finished within a
short time after the last demo though, but we hope that you'll find it
well worth the wait. Maybe we'll come up with something to keep you busy
in the meantime... 5-5-01: It's
time for another update! This one is slightly more cosmetic than
anything, but I think you'll find it worth looking at. Two sections have
been updated with new graphical material, the SonED page, and the Project
Mettrix page. SonED's page now has a ScreenShots section, where you can
see images of its features if you haven't already tried it out. The
Project Mettrix page has new images as well, along with new music, and an
update on the status of the (canned) cut-scenes. You can see images of a
couple of the new levels, as well as a few revised images of existing
ones, where you may see something interesting if you look closely enough
:P. Notice the two new levels? Catch the one that was binned? What do
you think of the little glimse of the "Options Zone"? As far as the music
goes, some music has been added/renamed/canned, so check out that section
too. I also fixed the broken link to the old click and play version of
the game. Also, there is a link to my "new"
messageboard on the table of contents under "Misc.". The URL is
subject to change, as this space is actually on an EZBoard owned by
Gerbil, and I will probably get my
own, where I can add several forums. Lastly, I finally got around to
adding the associate banners. Be sure to check them out, especially Liz'
site, DASH! :P. 4-8-01 Wow,
alotta dead-time huh? As I think I've forgotten to mention, ever since
our secondary phone-line went down, we've been using a cable-connection,
because it was cheaper to start and maintain than getting back that old
line with all the bills Pacific Bell kept slapping on it, however.. during
late January, the ISP serving our cable provider decided to pull the plug.
Since then, we've been without a connection to the internet, except for
small instances at college every now and then. This has prevented
communications and updates, but today, I've decided to try to get this
update through. I've been working very hard on SonED and Project Mettrix,
(although I've spent a bit more time on Mettrix recently) and between the
two, I've come up with something new to give you to hold you till the next
big thing comes. This update is for SonED (Mettrix still has a way to go
before you'll see it, but believe me, I think it'll be worth it.) This
update introduces the new file system/gui SonED will be using. This will
probably interest you, because it does away with that old long command
line, and offers a somewhat friendly interface for loading your files and
switching between editors. (Also, you may use files with long filenames
in this update, as well) While the command line options have been removed
in this release, they will be re-inserted later, for those of you who like
to start up things right away. Those who don't will still have this nifty
interface. So now, all that's really required to start the program (once
you get Dos4GW sorted out, of course..) is to either type it's name or
double-click it. I hope this makes things easier for everyone, it
certainly was a pain to write :P. 1-7-2001: Looks
like I made a booboo.. When I uploaded the new version of SonED, the
filename was in all caps, and the page was still looking for one in
lower-case. Thus, it downloaded the older version, which wasn't
overwritten. Damn linux.. Anyway -NOW- you can download the new SonED,
and take advantage of the new features, which are, again, the ability to
load files from different folders rather than the same ones, and support
for both versions of Sonic CD PC! I'm sorry for the problem, hope you
still want to check it out! 1-1-2001: The
new year brings a new SonED! This new version not only features a slight
speed increase and the ability to use full pathnames when loading files
instead of loading something from the same folder, but also features....
Sonic CD PC support! That's right, SonED .12b can edit the files for both
the OEM and DirectX versions of Sonic CD PC. I hope that was worth the
wait! 11-20-00: The
second update to SonED in one week! Things are coming along well, except
for the fact that I totally botched the last version up.. Sorry about
that, everyone. I had to add some last-minute things to the program so it
would be ready for public use, and somehow I always end up pressed for
time in doing these things (the system with the modem attatched isn't
mine). This version, however, does everything it's supposed to! I just
went through and tested it. This update brings editing of tiles and
palette, in addition to the level and object editing of the previous
versions. Go check it out, I'm sure you won't be dissappointed! 11-14-00: Bet
you guys weren't expecting this. I've been working on a project I haven't
touched in a while. It's SonED, and it's back! There's a new demo up for
grabs, which'll let you see what it does at this point. There are still
plenty of additions and changes it needs, but the project has been
revived. The most interesting part: Level layout editing! This part of
the editor is already functional, and if that's enough for you, you can
use it to it's fullest (save your work) by ordering at this point. As it
says on the page, upgrades are free, and the price is half of what it used
to be. Go on and give the demo a shot! Maybe you'll like what you see. 10-5-00: Nice
update here. Some of you may not have attended the SAGE expo, or have
downloaded either version of Project Mettrix from it if you did. There
have been a few different updates since then, but silly me didn't realize
that people besides me (while at other places) would be downloading some
of the more recent ones. Now that I've got the time to make the update,
If you hadn't downloaded the version that was posted at the time of the
SAGE event, there is quite an abundance of changes. Some are cosmetic and
you may not notice them, but they're there. These changes also include
the fact that I have placed the level editor in the zip, so you can see
what it's like to create your own levels when this is all done. You
should also be able to use whatever you create now in the later versions.
If you create something fairly big, let me know about it; I've been
thinking of starting up an archive of user levels. Also, If you only
downloaded the first version at SAGE and did not return to my booth, you
missed a fix that I had to add to it. Apparantly I was so tired by the
time I finished making the updates I needed before entering the game in
the expo that I left a multitude of bugs. They are all (at least to the
best of my knowledge) corrected now. Some of these were still present in
the second release during SAGE, however , so if you haven't downloaded it
since about a week ago, you might wanna download it again, just so
everything's ironed out. 10-6-00 Addendum:
Looks like I screwed up the zip. It set up a whole bunch of wonky folders
and had some bad files, including a development version of exe that killed
off the boss areas, effectively making you unable to beat act 1. It's all
worked out now though. Also, wait for the title screen to run out and
watch the demos. You'll see one of the other, currently 'unplayable'
features. *hint**hint* 9-2-00: This
is just another quick update. Like the new design? It's courtesy of
Liz, webmaster of
DASH!. Go lookit her site now!
....soon as you're done with mine :P. Also, I've entered in
SAGE, a Sonic the Hedgehog
Fangaming event. I'm not exactly sure how this is going to turn out, but
you'll find a slightly better version of the demo for "Sonic: Project
Mettrix" there. And a final thing, I won't be doing very much online for
a while because the phone devoted to the computers was disconnected. Untill
it's back up, I'll be limited to just a few late nights. 7-31-00: This is
what many people have been waiting for: A demo of Project Mettrix! I've
decided to let one go since I haven't been able to update very often.
Some features you may have seen mentioned on
The Chaos Emerald's
review are disabled though, because they aren't complete enough yet. This
Should keep you for a bit though. One zone, one boss, pretty much all of
the items. Till next update... 6-11-00 I'm in a
bit of a hurry, so I'll just say that I've put up the first entry to my
new POV Archive, so have a look at it unless you're easily offended. I
know I haven't updated reguarding Project Mettrix recently, but I am still
working on it, so don't worry about it. 5-29-00 Um, don't
everyone all go offering assistance at once now. I don't really
understand why when I don't want anyone I get bombarded by a few million
requests by people to do anything whether they're good at it or not, but
when I want them I get nothing at all. I still need people to help with
that magazine. 5-5-00 I'm playing
with an idea I had a few days ago. I want to recruit a team to help me
create a new magazine that deals mainly with video games (mostly fan ones
since they're easier to grab early) and emulation, but it may include
other stuff. I want this to be a real print and subscribe magazine (that
means you have to pay, and if you're working on it you GET paid), but this
depends on what skill I can get ahold of, cause nobody wants a sucky
magazine. If you think its a good idea and can help, send me a good, long
example of what you want to do (IE. 1 or more in-depth reviews, many
pieces of art, etc.) and I'll be reviewing them over the next few weeks.
I also plan to sell advertising space within the magazine like most
normal ones, so if you wish to place some kind of ad, contact me and we'll
discuss prices. After I've picked up enough support, a sample magazine
will be created and posted probably on my page for review by everyone, so
they can see if they'll want to subscribe. Hopefully this will turn out,
and good luck to any who plan to apply. 3-14-00: Todays
update has removed the competition pages, as they wont be needed for a
while, and replaced them with the Services page. Also, obviously, I have
added a hit counter to the page. The less obvious include the fact that
I've done something to the 'About Us' pages, changed the "Under
Development" page, and removed the "Technical Updates" because I dont even
remember why I need it. I've also corrected the name for "Nightlight
Heights" in the Sonic: Project Mettrix pages. Not having used the name
very often, I was confused on it, and then I completely forgot to change
it. The final change was to have made an archive of updates, since
hopefully there will be enough news for it to be worthwhile. 3-8-00: There seem
to have been a few misunderstandings, but hopefully they're over with now.
I warn you now, I may not have alot of time to work on Project Mettrix,
and my online time is definitely cut, but it -is still making progress-.
Today I've added a picture of Nightlight Heights, and some extra music.
I've also updated the one for Shining Island. See if you can tell what's
different, and look around, because maybe you'll find something else on
that page. Also, noone has expressed interest in the programming classes
either, so they are closed, although I will still tutor individuals if
anyone wants it. As for that contest I mentioned, It's still hanging
between a yes and no on whether or not it's going to start, but I'm still
working on my engine, and I plan on it being very far along before the
contest actually starts. I still have to work out details for it. This
is what happens when you dont wait till you ARE done to say anything..
One more thing, I am now offering a new service, it may seem odd, but I
know that there ARE some people out there who would like this. At one
point, there were magazines for older computers such as the early APPLE
models, which included programs written in BASIC that you type in
yourself. If you have some of those magazines and would like to use those
programs, but do not have the older computer anymore, or just dont feel
like typing it in, I will convert it to C and send the final product to
you. The price will depend on the program, so you'll have to ask me
first. |