Thanks for visiting the Organized Chaos SAGE Booth!  This year, the format for obtaining games has changed, so please read more about that in the "E02" section below.  Also, learn more about E02 and the games that are currently in development for it by viewing their respective sections, and by clicking the image or banner links to visit their homepages

For E02 discussion during the SAGE event, visit us at #E02 on!

For those with an interest in E02, but a lack of time or willingness to personally work with the system, I am currently entertaining the idea of taking commissions for E02 work, such as converting/rebuilding existing original or fan projects, beginning such projects with E02, and/or supplying work for beginning or in-progress projects. Bear in mind, though, that the varying amounts of work involved with any particular project will determine the price, and it will not be a matter of pennies. I will try to be fair, so if this proposition sounds interesting, contact me to discuss your particular situation. I am willing to accept payment for a single project from multiple interested parties as long as the primary author(s) of the project in question agree to the conversion, and as long as payment in full is actually carried out. Also, be aware that it will likely be difficult to work on multiple such projects at once, and higher-paying commissions may take priority, and before proposing a project, be sure to understand the technical "restrictions" of E02 such as palettized graphics, raw waveform or XM audio, and processor and RAM limitations of the PSP and Wii, and be willing to have those restrictions applied to the project during creation/conversion

Updated, non-encrypted game and usage examples are forthcoming...

We hope you enjoy working with E02 and playing its games!

E02 is a versatile, multiplatform 2D game development system created by Stealth for DOS, Windows, and Linux PCs, Intel and PowerPC MacOSX, Nintendo Wii, and Playstation Portable, with built-in data editors and a powerful script system.  Click the image or logo to learn more about it using it, or view the sections below to find out about the two games already in development

Check out What's New, or Get Started with the new, fully updated, cross-referencing HTML documentation now!

As of this version, E02 now connects to this site to check for program and game updates, and allows for directly downloading both from within the program

Download E02 for DOS/Windows, Linux, MacOS, PSP, or Wii, and use the ingame menu to directly download and install any of the available games, and don't forget to check back for updates to the downloads list


Play as Megaman, Protoman, or Bass, each with their own unique style, in a brand new game modeled after Megaman 7. For more details, click the image or logo

New to this demo are the new features of the latest version of E02, a new Character Select screen, the new Stage Select Screen, a fully functional menu/weapon system, and the new "Zaiaku Man" level, complete with Robot Master Boss

Featuring new graphic and design elements by Liz, and four new songs by Tweaker. Script coding, most implementation, and other design elements by Stealth

To obtain the latest version of this game, please download E02 from the above section, and use it to download and install the game directly

Default Wii controlls are for horizontal wiimote. For classic controller, or gamecube controller, replace \MMTT\keywii.def with keywiic.def or keywiigc.def, respectively

See also the Triple Threat Robot Master Contest, hosted by Liz

Sonic the Hedgehog: Project Mettrix is a Sonic the Hedgehog fangame that has been in development for quite some time, and is now beginning to get proper treatment with the E02 engine. The game now uses a scripted Sonic the Hedgehog engine under E02, which is also available for use in creating other Sonic games. Play as Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles in a brand new game following the style of the Genesis originals. For more details, click the image or logo

This demo has no significant updates this year, but if you are new to SAGE or E02, there is certainly enough here to be of interest!

To obtain the latest version of this game, please download E02 from the above section, and use it to download and install the game directly

Default Wii controlls are for horizontal wiimote. For vertical wiimote, classic controller, or gamecube controller, replace \Mettrix\keywii.def with keywiimu.def, keywiic.def, or keywiigc.def, respectively