We put alot of effort into our projects, and we hope that it shows. We would like very much to continue to develop and support these and
many more, but to do that, we need your help
A persistent issue is recurring expenses for basic cost-of-living and services related to continued public updating and support. With your support to better cover these expenses, we will be able to better
focus our time and resources on ehnancing our existing projects, developing new ones, and maintaining a support and development
community for end-users. If you enjoy our game and utility projects and would like to see them continue to grow, please consider using the button below to contribute
We are also looking to acquire new hardware to help with development and multi-platform growth of existing and future projects. Please be
aware that we cannot reliably develop for hardware that we do not own, and will remain focused on the platforms that we do. If you intend to contribute toward
a hardware purchase, we thank you very much for your consideration, and ask that you also please contribute toward the general funds above,
as these expenses are also very important, and any inability to cover them will compromise our ability to support projects for any platform.
We ask that specifically because we want to assure you that hardware contributions will be held back strictly for use in acquiring the
hardware in question when enough funds have been raised. Excess funds beyond that point will, however, be overflowed into another piece
of hardware, or general funds as may be necessary. If you instead happen to have spare hardware that you would like to send, please contact us
for information on how to send it
Current Wishlist:
If you would like to add a platform to this list, visit the Forum, the IRC chat, or send an email to MStealthA (AT) aol (dot) com stating the name of the platform, and how much you pledge to donate when the fund for that platform is opened
[There is nothing particular here at this time. Feel free to submit a suggestion if you are prepared to back it up with a donation!]
Donation Successes and Contributors:
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to successfull acquisition of hardware for the development of our projects!
GP2X Wiz: