Game Modifications, Ports, and Remakes by Simon Thomley

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My name is Simon Thomley, also known throughout the online world as "Stealth". I currently live in Los Angeles, California, and at age 30, have been a programmer by hobby for 23 years.

Within recent years, I have vastly expanded my abilities through the creation of my more prominent projects, including those featured here. This includes learning to develop for various platforms, reverse-engineering code and data for modification and even porting, creating and debugging my own game and utility projects, and creating my own scriptable game engine, designed for both power and speed. Qualities I value the most are efficiency, effectiveness, and attention to detail.

My current experience encompases PC DOS/Windows/Linux, MacOSX, PSP, Wii, Megadrive, MegaCD, GBA, and DS platforms, with languages C, M68K assembly, and to a lesser extent, BASIC/VisualBASIC, and Intel, Z80, and ARM assembly.

I am a huge fan of "Retro" games. My real passion for video games probably began with Super Mario Brothers, playing that and other NES games at friends' houses, and I remember being left in awe when I first saw Sonic the Hedgehog running on store display. I have great respect for developers of that era and what some of them could do with the hardware they were provided, especially now that I know more about it, and I know that I want to develop my skill to the same level. Although most of my work has been with Sonic, I also look forward to developing other classic and classic-style titles in the near future.

Have a look around at some of my projects, and don't hesitate to contact me for more information!
Original Sonic the Hedgehog properties ©1991-2009 SEGA. Footage, modifications, and new material ©1997-2009 Simon Thomley/"Stealth", "Team Megamix", and "Organized Chaos", for non-profit use.
Contact: MStealthA <at> aol <dot> com